Why Everyone Needs a Sword and Shield


Staff Writer

Everyone should own a sword and shield, because it is a great home defense and can be a great hobby and to help burn free time. Lessons can be 150$ and can be as cheap as 100$ a month to learn how to use a sword and shield. It is a great home defense weapon because the largest portion of break ins by robbers use melee weapons 100,000 of them use strong arm weapons. A swordsman with proper training could beat anyone who just walks in with a crowbar or other form of weapon in your house. In all states in the US you can legally carry swords and other sharp weapons around as long as they are visible to everyone around you. The state with the highest homicides in california and if you have a sword and training with the sword your chances of becoming a victim of a violent crime is lowered substantially compared to someone without a sword training and a sword on hand. Criminals would rather attack someone who does not have a weapon because it would make it much easier to rob them or make them a victim of a violent crime. Criminals have stated they are less likely to break in or commit a violent crime against that person. Owning a sword is something all people should consider because it could prevent them from getting their house broken into or them being attacked.

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