El Diamante Suggests Shortening Lunch To Stop Fights


Staff Writer

Recently, in the 2021-2022 school year at El Diamante, there has been at least one fight every day. There have even been some days where there are multiple fights in one hour. The majority of these fights are happening during our lunch hours, so El Diamante is considering making the lunch 30 minutes long instead of our regular 40 minutes. This would also force every kid to not be allowed to leave campus because of the short amount of time we are given.

This is not the right solution to this problem because keeping everyone on campus would only group up kids more, which would possibly cause even more fights to happen. Plus, it’s not the upper-classmen who are fighting. It’s only been the lower-classmen so far. Forcing us to stay on campus and eat school lunch for what the lower-classmen are doing is completely unfair and wrong. A better solution would be to separate lunch by grade. We could have two different lunches at different times so that the staff can keep a better eye on the lower-classmen. This still wouldn’t be ideal because a lot of upper-classmen have lower-classmen friends that they want to hang out with at lunch, but this would be the more logical path to take. Hopefully the fighting will just calm down so that we don’t need to make a drastic change to the schedule that we’ve already gotten used to.

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