Staff Writer
Metroid Dread is a gigantic milestone in the history of the Metroid series, as I’m writing this now the game has been out for a mere hour publicly but early product reviewers have said nearly nothing but amazing things about this game. After all, it makes sense they’d all carry this much appreciation and excitement for the game as it’s the newest original 2D Metroid game since 2002’s Metroid Fusion. Metroid Fusion was infamous for leaving fans on an incredible cliffhanger that went uncontinued up till now, and just as soon as it was announced that sequel is now released. My hopes for this game are beyond that of so many others, this could really be the installment that boosts this series back out of it’s mild obscurity, maybe someday Samus could be on the same level as Zelda or Kirby and this game is the perfect gateway to those heights.
Well it would make sense to view trailers and such of Dread to see if this game would fit your taste, DON’T. This is highly not recommended because for some odd reason Nintendo has filled many Dread trailers with spoilers that while mild ruin some of the game’s biggest surprises in some ways. I suggest checking out older installments since they have very similar gameplay and especially Samus Returns since it carries the same style as Dread, this way you know exactly if this game is something you want to play and won’t suffer from knowledge of spoilers. You don’t have to play many previous installments or really any to get the main story as the game gives you an option to view a recap of the older titles to get yourself caught up and ready to experience this new journey. I hope that all who read this if not interested in Dread to at least play the older games on devices such as your computer or laptop through an emulator or a switch a they carry amazing experiences inside that tell an awesome story of galactic war and effect of bioweapons on the world, it’s all very interesting.