Visalia teenager addicted to scented markers, TWEAKS in class


Staff Writer 

On Tuesday October 5th, a shocking development shocked the whole nation. A kid was tweaking over fruit scented markers. A man who wishes to be anonymous saw the incident, was horrified. This man was trying to talk sense into the young man, trying his best to stop him from getting high off the markers. Saying “You know sniffing markers can shut off the circulation to your brain right?” But the young man completely ignoring his warnings still kept inhaling the markers tweaking out! Nobody could stop him or even speak to him!

According to the drug user himself, he inhaled the drugs-I mean markers because he loved scented markers as a kid and his freshman years. He came in one day with a headache caused by all the ash in the air. In class they made a drawing project with scented markers. The young man loved them as a kid, but stopped inhaling them when his orange marker stopped being potent, but then he suffered a relapse when he saw brand new, potent, modern markers. Tempted by this, the young man took just one sniff of the marker, he was immediately hooked with dopamine rushing through his brain. He then went on a binge, starting to sniff every marker possible. Then the anonymous man said his scary warning, but the insane addict did not stop, carrying on his crazy binge. Then his headache went away because of the lack of oxygen he was suffering from because he couldn’t stop sniffing the fruity scented markers.  

Then his other table mates started to notice his outlandish behavior, two other people told him to stop but he didn’t listen, continuing his binge. He didn’t stop the binge until he smelled all the markers, even then he still sniffed the markers. Even showing to other bystanders his binge. 

The insanity didn’t end until he was told to put away the markers once the timer ran out for the project. The junkie was heartbroken, but put away all the markers. He did however suffer from withdrawals for 2 days because of the man fighting his demons. He was clean until recently he sniffed his old orange marker. Some habits never die. 

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