High Hopes For El Diamante Cross Country At The Rough Rider Invitational 


Staff Writer 

The 39th annual Rough Rider Invitational is coming up this Friday. For years this particular cross country meet has been the biggest race across the Central Valley and Bay area. The actual course has one of the most intricate terrains, with all different kinds of sharp turns and even hills that the competition has to stomp over. This year there are 80 schools entered for the race, including El Diamante. El Diamante has been putting in the hardest work at practice, and they definitely don’t disappoint when it comes to race day. Two of El Diamante’s most strongest runners (Devin Ybarra & Damian Santacruz) have proven very vital to El Diamante’s race day efforts as they hold the #4 and #5 spots in WYL. The main particular races that the Valley is looking forward to are the 5000 meter varsity boys and girls races. Overall, El Diamante has a very well rounded team for both the boys and girls. Last year, El Diamante boys won the WYL Boys Championship and the girls were the runner up for the WYL Girls Championship. Most of the student athletes that competed last year at the WYL meet, were returning runners this year with a hunger to improve their running times. Compared to the other schools competing in this year’s Rough Rider Invitational, El Diamante’s runners and times prove very worthy of bringing home that 1st place trophy. Both the runners and fans of the El Diamante Cross Country team are very eager to see the results of the team’s hard work. The meet takes place at Woodward Park in Fresno. The first race starts around 1:30 in the afternoon while the last race begins at 5:30 in the evening. If you do plan to come support your fellow Miners, guest admission is $5 at the gate opening. See you there!

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