Thrifting Shouldn’t Be As Trendy As It Is 


Staff Writer 

As someone who grew up poor, I had to thrift a lot when I was younger. Lots of second-hand clothes. And as I grew up, I was able to get brand new clothes that weren’t second-hand. And I saw thrifting become popular among people who are “better off”, and overall had no need to buy used clothes. Then it became worse. People started thrift shopping then reselling those clothes for a higher price. Like, what??? That gets my blood boiling, people who desperately need clothes, who can’t buy clothes because prices are too high for their budget; they take that away from them. Thrift shop prices are starting to go higher, and it’s now making it harder for low-income people to get what they might need. If you can buy new, please buy new. Thrifting should have never become a trend. The conclusion is, please do not thrift if you don’t need to. Think of others who might need it more than you. 

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