Oxford High School Shooting 

By  Concerned Student 

Staff Writer

“No one should be afraid to go to school.” That comment is said by politicians every time another school shooting is reported on the news. Every time these words echo through a community it means that life has been destroyed and real people with bright futures have been lost. With the most recent shooting occuring in Delaware Michigan at Oxford High School 3 students were killed and 8 more students and school faculty members were injured and in the hospital. So many politicians are using this as an excuse to push their political views, but human lives, children’s lives should not be politicized. The news portrays humans as nothing more than statistics, no more important than a way for them to stay in power. Something urgently needs to be done. An Oxford student spoke to The New York Times, sophomore Eva said “If we didn’t have this training I don’t know what would have happened.” Continually students are taught by school officials what to do when a school shooting occurs, nevertheless more needs to be done to prevent the cause. Sure teaching 2,000 students the best way to prevent themselves from the worst is a temporary measure but more should be done to prevent that one kid from wanting to pull the trigger.  

This horrible tragedy is becoming more commonplace and that needs to stop; lives are precious and should be treated as such. 

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