

Staff Writer

I felt so alone. Every night I would cry myself to sleep.

Anxiety filled my body each and every second.

I would cry on the bathroom floor begging for help, talking to whoever or whatever there was to hear me.

I felt like anytime I told someone about it I was just talking to a wall.

No one was listening, no one could hear me.

I wanted to just give up.

Until the day I met you.

You wiped my tears and gave me wings.

You made me feel strong and brave.

I felt safe for once and slowly began to start trusting.

I didn’t care if nobody was listening, because you always were.

I felt so free. Every night I began to smile myself to sleep.

Butterflies would fill my stomach every second I was with you.

I didn’t have to cry on the bathroom floor anymore, because you were always my shoulder to cry on.

You listened. You heard. You spoke when I couldn’t.

Your voice sounded like music and your hugs felt like home.

I started to love you and feel myself again.

Until the day you left.

Darkness. Quietness.

I lost the one who brought me to the top.

I lost the one who was the only person who mattered to me.

I lost the one who kept me on my feet and would catch me when I’d fall.

Losing you was the hardest thing that ever happened to me.

I felt so fed up. I didn’t cry, I didn’t shed a single tear.

I grew stronger.

You helped me find myself. You gave me hope.

You showed me what happiness felt like.

Even though you left, you made me myself again.

Everything takes time.

It was the right person but wrong time.

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