Christmas Is Here 


Staff Writer 

Christmas is around the corner. It’s approaching in 22 days to celebrate great times with your family and friends. Christmas was created as a festival for Jesus Christ to be born into the world. There are so many fun things to spend with your family and friends to keep the spirit going before the day of Christmas. Something to do to get more in the spirit is to decorate a Christmas tree and put Christmas lights on the house. Also, having people decorate a gingerbread house, creating bonding with your family to complete the house. On Christmas day people love to have matching Christmas pajamas, so when they wake up in the morning, they can be all comfortable as they open the presents they’ve been eyeing from early that morning. This holiday develops giving, with gifting your loved ones with presents. With Santa Claus getting the children presents, giving a creative viewpoint of Christmas involving the kids to be excited for when Santa Claus arrives at their house. With the question of if the children are naughty or nice to have Santa Claus come down the children’s chimney to receive their presents. This holiday that is around the corner is surrounded with love by your family and friends. You get to enjoy the delicious food that was made and all the fun games that are played the day of. Be excited that Christmas is around the corner, so you can start on all these fun activities before it’s too late!

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