El Diamante Drama


Staff Writer

Lately, on El Diamante Campus there has been a series of school fights and drama going around. This has caused the school to cut multiple lunches short. It has gotten too far to the point that they had to go on lockdown. A kid got knocked out and there have been several accounts where they have posted the kid on the floor and made memes out of it. Out of my four years as an El Diamante student, I have never seen anything like it. Almost every week there are fights and students have started to care less about others. Walking on campus you will see students getting bumped into without even an apology. People in the women’s bathroom have been extremely critical and judgmental. There are cruel things written on the bathroom stalls in Sharpie about certain students. I can’t blame the school much for not stopping it due to the number of times this is happening, but there should be a worse punishment than what the students are getting. Students know they won’t get an extreme punishment so it continues to happen. At the beginning of the year, the staff members were very lenient, but now all of the sudden they’re trying to be more strict after the students have already gotten used to the old rules. I am extremely fed up with the way students have been acting on campus. They are ruining it for the rest of us who have nothing to do with the situation. Either students can knock it off, or they can get sent to an online course where they can continue their issues at home.

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