

Staff Writer

School. Family. Friendships. All slowly ruining my mental health. Assignment after assignment, test after test, never-ending. Yelling and fighting, nothing I can ever do at home is good enough. Losing friends because I’m so stressed, short-tempered and I can’t prioritize them. Everything piling on top of me feels like it’s ruining me. My only escape is music and sleeping. I do my school work, I try with my family, I smile at school and laugh like I’m okay. But on the inside, I’m slowly breaking down. I will continue to go on because I’ll never allow myself to give up. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, even if I can’t see it right now. I know it will come. I just have to give it time. So if you are feeling like you cannot possibly go on anymore, please keep going. I promise it will get better. Time heals the soul. 

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