Winter Break 

By Anonymous

Staff writer 

My winter break was exhausting but fun. Some fun things I got to do were to go to Disneyland, see my family, see friends, celebrate Christmas, and celebrate my birthday. I went to Disneyland for my sister’s birthday. She is finally 1 yay, I am so happy. I got to see some family that lives in Hawaii. We flew out there for a couple of days. It was fun, but it kinda sucked because it was raining.  Some advice is to not go to Hawaii during the winter. My friends and I hung out most of the break. For Christmas, we went to my grandparent’s house on Christmas Eve and spent the night and on Christmas morning we opened presents. For my birthday I had a little get-together with some friends and we went to watch a movie. It was fun. All in all, I had a fun break.

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