Semester Two: A Fresh Start


Staff Writer

It’s now January 2022. Last year was full of great academic and athletic achievements for all grade levels here at El Diamante. The first semester was our semester as students to see where we fit it and what we needed to work on. This specific ideal could have applied to our well-being, our athletic capabilities, or even our academic prosperity. 2021 was filled with loads of fun and excitement for our school. We had our first in-person rally in almost 2 years, we received the saddle, we had club rush, our athletics were absolutely thriving, we received a new athletic director, we obtained a new principal, and we even made it to the play-offs for Varsity Football. All of this happened in just one semester, but the one thing that still remained the same was our school spirit. Without our Miner Nation Pride, nothing would have been possible. Half of our school year has already come to a close, but little does everyone know that we’re just getting started. Semester two is a fresh start for all El Diamante students. Semester two is where you make your mark as a student. This is where you define who you are and put all of your hard work into play. Whether you’re an athlete, an academic prodigy, an ASB volunteer, a dancer, or anything else, one thing is for certain. Everyone here only takes high school once. You don’t get a repeat in life. So this is me as a proud student of El Diamante telling you, don’t waste it. Put your all into this next semester. Try new things, step out of your comfort zone, become more involved, and work the hardest you’ve ever worked; because at the end of the day, you want a high school experience with no regrets. It all starts in the classroom with a paper, a pencil, and a person; and that person is nobody other than ourselves. 

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