Desire & Demand


Staff Writer 

Everyone has this desire to feel wanted and needed in this world. Whether that be by another person, themselves, business, anything. Humans need to feel they have a purpose here. I am confident saying that everyone has felt that once in their life. That’s okay, I’m not here judging you. It interests me. Why do we need to feel wanted? Some say they don’t feel this way, but at the end of the day, the thoughts of “Why am I not enough?” “Why am I not needed?” haunts you. Desire means a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen. We, as humans, do this every day, even without realizing it. Let’s talk about demand. I’ve defined desire for you, but demand means an insistent and peremptory request, made as if by right. It sounds strong. But that is how we are as humans. When we want something really bad, we demand it. In some cases, by any means necessary. Desire and demand are tricky, but similar things if you really think about it. If we have a desire to feel wanted and accepted so badly we will do whatever it takes to get that. We need to fuel that craving. But why do we feel this way? A sense of belonging is crucial to us. It helps our life satisfaction, our mental health, it gives us something to live for. Even if saying that may sound like a stretch, it’s true. It’s how we have always been, and how we always will be. 

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