Are You a Bad Person? 


Staff Writer 

The green-eyed monster roams inside of every person; watching, waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack. In simpler terms- jealousy gets the best of us sometimes. And although society has deemed jealousy as a less-than-admirable quality in a person, it is a quality that every single person possesses. Whether it be jealousy concerning love or work or friendship, it is jealousy nonetheless. I have often felt jealousy in friendships; not concerning what the friend has but that I have to share that friend with other people. Obviously, I do not “own” that friend and they may hang out with whomever, whenever they wish but that does not mean that these ugly feelings have suddenly disappeared- as ugly feelings do not listen to reason. Despite the fact that I know bitterness and envy are completely expected and typical to feel, it still makes me wonder if I am a bad person. If it is even possible to determine if someone is a good or bad person based on feelings that everyone experiences which you may or may not even act on.

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