The Interesting Lifestyle, Culture of Outlaw, 1% Motorcycle clubs/gangs 


Staff Writer

(The Mongols motorcycle club or brotherhood or gang. They are known to have tattoos, Harley Davidson’s, sport the 1% patch or tattoos, with a history of crime, gang violence with brutal tactics to fight rivals with military-like hierarchy). 

Motorcycle clubs, bikers often get a bad image or rap for being criminals, all inked up, wear patches, drink, smoke, hardcore drugs, bar fights. That’s simply not true as 99% of bikers are either independents (meaning they are not in a group or a club) or in riding groups or motorcycle clubs. They have a passion for motorcycles, riding on the open road with their friends or if you are in a club called “brothers”. Lots of bikers are law-abiding citizens with full-time jobs with families, veterans, or even are currently in the military, police, government, or professional jobs in society. Most of them are cool people who just want to wear patches for their club, group, or ride on the open road. However, there are some groups who take this subculture to the extreme known as the 1%. Or the 1% who take this far to break the law for the club or are even known to kill for the club. 

To understand these outlaw clubs you have to understand the culture, history first. After WW2 ended, many Americans came back home from war missing the brotherhood in their unit while some even craved the adrenaline rush of combat. Many soldiers rode Harley Davidson, with the war over, Harley Davidson motorcycles were being sold for cheap. Soldiers loving the motorcycles they rode in, bought the motorcycles, rebelling against the conservative American society at the time by wearing leather clothing living for the moment/on the road. In 1947 a motorcycle event by the AMA (American motorcycle association) was held in the Californian town of Hollister. However, there was some disturbance as there were a small number of rowdy bikers who caused trouble. The AMA came forward saying 99% of bikers are lawful citizens, the remaining 1% was then seen as outlaw bikers. Also, people wanted to form clubs for motorcyclists but the AMA forced rules that were overbearing so they formed MCs, becoming “outlaws” as they chose to not follow the AMA rules or 1%ers as they chose not to follow the rules. Keep in mind not all MCs or 1%ers are lawbreakers they just want to ride, be with their “brothers” but the gang bangers in the scene are ruining it for everyone. The 1%ers choose to not follow the AMA, or not even the law. They choose to only answer to the club, “brothers”. Some don’t break laws while some do if they “have to” or are out to break it, it REALLY DEPENDS on the club or members. As even the famous motorcycle gangs are now trying to maintain a clean image or claim that only certain members are criminals, with most of them being working men of society who have families. However a lot of 1%ers all have the same code, “brothers” (fully patched members) are your family, you take care of them, look out for them, they will do the same. Stick out for them, fight for them, defend them, get arrested for them, die for them, they will do the same. Comradery is a huge thing for these hardcore or “outlaw” clubs, don’t think about acting tough or fighting them because they have a motto they live by “Treat me nicely, I’ll treat you better. Treat me badly, I’ll treat you worse. Try to fight me…”. 

Then there are the 1% Outlaw clubs (gangs to be quite honest). These gangs are the ones who have a bunch of tattoos on them, wear colors, patches, fight, do drugs, do crimes, go to jail, bar fights, with a famous history of violent biker wars.  

(The Bandidos are one of the biggest biker gangs in the world, with also being one the Hells Angels biggest rivals, also known for not taking any disrespect or nonsense from anyone). 

These gangs are no joke, as they are known to terrorize communities, kill or hurt people over patches or colors or “disrespect”. Some of the gang wars they start are so violent, often the FBI or ATF comes in full force. Three examples are, one time the Hells Angels shot up music concerts if not multiple times, second a biker gang war was so violent it was called the Nordic Biker war where the Hells Angels along with the Bandidos fought for control. But it got so bad, there were reports of rocket launchers, land mines, car bombs, military-style ambushes that took place. The third example was the Hells Angels taking control of Canada from local biker gangs. called the Canadian biker war in the 90s which claimed 195 lives with dozens of wounded! 

When you see a biker gang or 1%er, just leave them alone. Or if you want to talk to them, respect is highly valued. In Biker culture, respect is everything especially among the 1% ers, 3%ers (traditional motorcycle clubs or the old school biker gangs), or the law-breaking outlaw gangs. They will talk, act nice, respect you if you respect them, keep that in mind, but for the safety of both parties just keep your distance, mind your business. 

Some are fighting back as the big, old biker gangs are cleaning their image, speaking out as only a sort of them are criminals, 1%ers speaking out they don’t break laws, aren’t bad people, only some of them are bad people, independent bikers along with the 99% speaking out against the bikers who are ruining it for them.

(This guy won’t care about much, cares about riding, most likely friendly. This is your typical biker.)

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