Staff Writer

Tombstone is a great story about the loyalty of friendship and romance. Even if you are not a huge fan of Western movies you can still find some enjoyment in this movie because of how in-depth the story is and how close it holds true to the actual history behind it. After watching Tombstone I cannot picture anything other than these actors playing the history. My favorite character throughout the movie was Wyatt Earp, Wyatt comes off as a somber character who is known to be a retired sheriff around the town. The reason why I enjoyed Wyatt’s character so much was because of how cool his character was. Some of the lines Kurt Russell delivered sent chills down my spine because of how well done his acting was. 

One of my favorite parts of Tombstone was when Wyatt Earp witnesses a local cowboy abusing his horse with a whip. Wyatt takes that whip and starts hitting the cowboy in return, saying nothing but the line “Hurts doesn’t it?”. That scene made me fall in love with the movie and it was only one of the first few scenes shown.

 In conclusion, Tombstone was a great movie that tugged at heartstrings but also kept you wondering what was going to happen next. I am very happy I got to watch it.


Favorite Quotes: “I have nothing left, nothing to give you. I have no pride, no dignity, no money. I don’t even know how we’ll make a living, but I promise ‘i’ll love you for the rest of your life.”

Wyatt: “How are you feeling today, Doc?”

Doc: “I’m dying, How are you?”

Wyatt: “Pretty much the same.”

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