Storytime-  YouTube-style  


Staff Writer 

Have you ever looked at the stars and wondered what was going on in a different world? Take a second and imagine it…. You, the same exact person, just in a completely different position and completely different background. The pain behind the gain was a completely different subject than the public eye. This is everyone’s story. No matter who you let into your life they will never know 1000% what happened. No one feels your pain except you. No matter your background, let it motivate you. Pain will propel you forward because it is always there and it’s something that will never leave. You won’t feel successful in your happiness if you never feel low. You have to take a hit to feel one. You have to feel a hit to get out on the ground. Same in the business industry only the outcome is vice versa. There could be a huge hit to a beautiful feature. High risk, high reward. 

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