Russian invasion of Ukraine

By: Julian Vigil

There is news of Russia invading Ukraine on Tuesday, February 22, 2022, or sometime after it. Russia has been trying to invade Ukraine to get its way for over a month. They have had troops move in on the Ukrainian border. Russia has been “attempting” a peaceful way to resolve the problem they had started. They have made demands that could never be made by the Ukrainian government, such as leaving the EU and NATO so that they may invade but if Ukraine were to do that they would lose all allies and make themselves an easier attack. Ukraine believed that leaving either or both would still result in an invasion, on top of many more demands Russia has given to Ukraine none of which could be met by Ukraine. Russia is demanding that they meet requirements they could never meet. Russia will be invading Ukraine on Tuesday, February 22, or sometime after that and many US troops have been sent to help assist Ukraine to make sure that they will be able to help in case of an invasion. Russia may be the cause of a large-scale war or conflict they may not win. Russia may invade Ukraine and the world may plunge into world war 3 because if Russia invades Ukraine as an act of war then it will set of alliances and start a war between them and their allies.

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