Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Abuses Power to Crack Down Dissent 


Staff Writer 

(Even the Chinese propaganda heads are puzzled about this) 

Recently Canada has seen a massive protest originally starting with truckers protesting a vaccine mandate that required truckers to get COVID-19 vaccines to cross the Canadian-American border. Then it grew larger, larger every day with non-truckers joining to protest COVID-19 mandates in general. The protest was called  “a fringe, alt-right, white power supporters (even though native Canadians joined the protest as well), nationalists, anti-vax along with other slanders. The protest grew every day with non-truckers joining the protest, with even the police, 1% bikers joining the convoy as they saw the convoy supporting freedom against “medical authoritarianism”. Trudeau then had the guts to say that the protests were violent, extreme assemblies, but footage came out showing the protests were well organized, peaceful with even the Chief of Police in Owatta saying the protest was “…peaceful and the protesters were behaving themselves.


Then the Freedom Convoy comes to the capital of Owatta then suddenly Trudeau said that “his family along with himself were exposed to corona”, taking off without notice. Everyone knew that he was lying, leaving as he feared the Freedom Convoy was a “threat” (even though it wasn’t). 

After weeks of protesting in the capital Trudeau did an unthinkable move. Trudeau declared a state of emergency to “get rid of the threat”, there was a ban on honking your horn! Then it got worse, there was a green light on police crackdowns, freezing bank accounts on anyone or organization that supported the trucker protest. Gasoline was taken away with trucks being towed away, no-go zones were established, people were arrested, people were beaten by nightsticks, leaders were arrested in raids, ridiculous charges across the board. Even as the protests were cleared up in Owatta, also in the capital, Trudeau with other lawmakers argued that emergency powers were still “needed to protect democracy”. Yeah, nothing spells protecting freedom more than arresting people using their freedom of speech. Trudeau blames disinformation, along with the dumb claim of “foreign influence like Elon Musk, Trump, DeSantis”. Maybe the prime minister should talk to the protesters of the Freedom Convoy like he has so much time to talk to BLM, which is strange because he allows them to protest, gather, with the fact he supports them, speaking to their leaders. Meanwhile, the Freedom Convoy was shut down, protesters with even supporters being arrested by the police. 

Trudeau has failed to convince this group of people that he is in their best interests. Trudeau had the anti-lockdown protesters with right-wing protesters shutdown by hitting them in the bank or getting them arrested. Now they’re going to see him as a fascist, who uses power to crush those who dissent brutally, as a video came out showing Canadian police beating a 64-year-old man who honked his horn in support of the Freedom Convey. 

The Freedom Convey was a powder keg that Trudeau failed to handle carefully as now there are trucker protests in Europe, England, Australia, New Zealand, with a Freedom Convoy going to take place soon in America, starting February 23rd, 2022. 

The crackdown may have the effect of only a minority of thousands growing into millions as civilians see the brutal crackdown, may start to question the status quo, government authority, COVID-19 laws, ultimately may even challenge it in a violent way if crackdowns increase. Ultimately Trudeau failed to speak to the protesters sending a message to the protest that Trudeau does not care about them, but hates them. The crackdowns send a message that the police are corrupt, authorities who are willing to beat their own people to keep the status quo.


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