Fast Food Addiction And Causes 


Staff Writer 

When people think of food, they think of a quick and easy food to pick up. Which is known as Fast Food that has people urged to eat it since they have cravings for it. It starts off with the brain calling for that certain food the brain desires. The system is named the “reward system” that sends neurotransmitter dopamine to interpret pleasure. The reason is the reward system in the brain rewards the person for doing something right by releasing feel-good chemicals. This leads to multiple addictive behaviors known as unhealthy foods or fast food. It then makes that person need that specific fast food multiple times, developing a calorie-dense and a lot of processed and fried foods. Producing a lot of sodium, unhealthy fat that shouldn’t be eaten in just one meal when it should be distributed in multiple meals. Causing multiple problems in the person’s body such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, lower energy to do anything, creating digestive problems, and weight gain. These few things can cause even more problems like death since there is no movement, because the person is driving in the drive-thru, or ordering on uber-eats. They can’t get out since the calories lowered their energy to go anywhere and the weight gain has increased. So instead of eating such high-fat foods with so many calories and sodium look for alternatives in the store. For example, making a homemade burger at your house so you know what’s inside that burger and limiting the sodium and calories. Another example is instead of eating chocolate or fries/ potato chips it can be substituted for dark chocolate and homemade popcorn. These are just some of the ways to work better on your diet and to limit the fast food someone eats. Go try it, it can’t hurt you. 

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