19 month-old Killed by Her Older Siblings

Staff Writer

In Houston Texas, the Tompson’s lost one of their four amazing children. The mother and her boyfriend decided on this night to go pick up pizza and a prescription while leaving all four of their kids at home. The kids were five, two of them were three, and J’Zyra was nineteen months old. 

The five-year-old was asleep when the parents left and the authorities were told that the two three-year-olds had been the cause of their little sister’s death.

J’Zyra had been found in the family’s oven once the parents returned. The parents reported that they had come home with the pizza in their hands, they stated that they had only been gone for about forty-five minutes. They could not smell the burning flesh of the child because of the pizza, but they noticed that their oven was on and they went to turn it off. However, they checked inside of their oven and their little girl J’Zyra had been badly burnt.

The mother had tried to perform CPR on her little girl, but it was too late. 

The authorities were told that the three-year-olds had managed to put their sister in the oven. One of the three-year-olds put her in, while the other one turned the oven on. 

The parents are expected to be charged for leaving their children unattended for a period of time. The children are however in foster care because CPS could not find a suitable relative to take care of them. 

This whole situation could have been solved if they would have simply asked their grandma to watch the kids because she had lived in the same building. 

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