VUSD Announces That They’re Lifting The Mask Mandate


Staff Writer

Recently, it’s been announced that the VUSD school district will be lifting the mask mandate on March 11th. There have been different opinions on this decision, like whether or not it was the right one to make.

Personally, it doesn’t make too much of a difference to me. So many students and staff have been ignoring the mandate anyways, it would just be easier to allow people to make the choice for themself. Of course, it would be smarter if everyone just sucked it up and wore their masks, but sadly this isn’t the case and hasn’t been for a while.

A lot of people agree that this isn’t a good idea for obvious reasons, but there are people who are celebrating the removal of the mask mandate because they believe that being forced to wear a mask is a violation of their rights and freedom to do as they please. To a certain extent, I agree with that, but you don’t see them complaining about the dress code. That’s been a thing since the school was created and no one has issues following it and covering up when need be. As soon as masks were added to this dress code, suddenly they have an issue with it.

Sadly there is nothing we can do about it since the decision has already been made for the whole school district. Let’s just hope that the outbreak of covid won’t be back too bad, since it’s definitely inevitable.

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