Premier League Standings 


Staff Writer 

 The Premier League standings are close as the season is coming to an end. The teams for fourth place are pretty close. West Ham United is in 6th place with 48 points only three points away from coming into fourth place in their last five games they have 2 wins, 2 ties, and one loss. In fifth place is Man United with 50 points only one point away from being in 4th place the record in the last five games was 3 wins, 1 tie, and 1 loss. In fourth place is Arsenal with 51 points and with an outstanding last five games they have won all 5. In third place with 59 points is Chelsea with 5 wins in their last five games. In second place is Liverpool with a solid 66 points and they have also won in their last five games. In first place is Manchester City with 69 points, winning 4 of their last 5 games and having one loss. These standings are tight as the league is coming to the end. 

Will Liverpool catch up by the end of the season?

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