El Diamante High School’s Influence On My Personal Leadership Abilities


Staff Writer

As a small fish in the big pond of life, I have come to understand the things that make everyone in the world different and completely unique. Factors that distinguish us from others include the color of our skin, our gender, the language we speak, the country that we live in, or our age. However, the most important trait that can make one stand out from others is the ability to be a dynamic leader. Leadership is best defined as “the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal”, which is crucial for making differences in the world. 

I have learned much about how to be a good leader in the past four years at El Diamante High School, something that will be very impactful for me in the future. Coming from a small middle school, I was shy and knew few people as a freshman. At the time, I did not imagine that the three things that would teach me the most about leadership would be ASB, school sports, and volunteering in my school and the local community. 

I initially joined the student leadership class as a freshman to be involved around campus. However, through the class, I got to know many like-minded students who were dedicated to their schoolwork and wanted to create positive changes in the world. Despite my timidness, the leadership class forced me to step out of my comfort zone, taught me to work collaboratively with others, and helped me develop a strong work ethic. As a result, I was able to accomplish big tasks through ASB. I also attended a state-wide student leadership conference that allowed me to engage with other students and learn how they used their leadership skills at their school. What I learned from them I was able to take back to my campus and be the dynamic leader my school community needed. 

By playing soccer and volleyball all four years of high school, I learned how to persevere despite setbacks, work as a team player alongside my teammates, and stay disciplined. I consistently worked hard to model these skills for my teammates so that we could be the strongest team we could be. By being a good role model, a motivating and supportive teammate, and a hard-working player, I was selected by teammates to serve as the captain of the girl’s varsity soccer team. This was a role that I took very seriously. 

Regularly volunteering in my school and community also helped to further develop my leadership skills. For example, volunteering through Rotary to package meals for third-world countries allowed me to gain a broader perspective, as it opened my eyes to things I had previously taken for granted, like not having to worry about my next meal. Volunteering also challenged me to problem solve and work towards a larger purpose that more people could benefit from. A commitment to servant leadership is very critical because those are the leaders who focus on the growth and well-being of others before themselves. This principle is necessary to make the world a better place. 

El Diamante High School is an environment that nurtured my leadership abilities in many different ways. The school prompted me to step out of my comfort zone by trying new things, it taught me how to set a good example for others, and how to take action for the greater good of humanity: all traits that will set me apart as a leader. Without attending El Diamante, I would not be the person I am today, and for that, I am forever grateful. With these skills and abilities, I will be well prepared to have an everlasting impact on the world in the future. 

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