The Absolute State of Portland 

By Anonymous 

Staff Writer 

(Seeing the federal courthouse with the criminals getting let go after they get arrested shows the corruption in the city)

The absolute state of Portland. Portland was once a nice city…but now it’s a swap of corruption, violence. 

I went to Portland in the summer of 2021. I knew the city went through rough times during the riots of 2021, having crime skyrocketing, the homeless population skyrocketing. But when I went there, the city was a swamp. A lot of the businesses were looted, burned, or abandoned due to fear. Anarchists, so-called “peaceful protesters” robbed, beaten, vandalized, called for violence, even called for the deaths of police officers, landowners, Ady Ngo. How can these people be considered peaceful!  

There was trash everywhere! I thought I was in San Francisco or downtown Los Angeles. But nope I was in Portland. I saw pee, poop, beer bottles, smashed glass, needles, drugs, homeless, trash everywhere. Naked homeless run-around, police scared to be out, with people being fine with this! 

What made me furious about the city was that some people were okay with this, fine with the looting, shooting, along with massive amounts of corruption taking place. It boggles my mind that the local city, state, and even some national politicians supported this made me cringe. 

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