Some Reasons Why Gas Prices May Be Too High 


Staff Writer 

Gas prices have risen over the past couple of years. Recently it has doubled the amount for each gallon of gas. The problem is why is it so expensive now? The highest-ranking in gas prices is in California due to the population and the weather. The reason why is due to the high tax rate on fuel and the cost of producing the different types of gases. From this though there is a benefit of reducing the pollution levels in the state. Some conspiracies are the war between Ukraine and Russia causing the governor Gavin Newsom to be pressured to raise the prices. Others are how summer temperatures are arriving in California causing more expensive gas since there are going to be more people on the road visiting places and taking road trips. Another reason is that the labor of trucks is becoming short, from either a strike or not enough workers to help drive the trucks to provide gas to people. Average prices in California range from 5 dollars to 7 dollars. For example, in San Francisco, it was 5.97 dollars a gallon, so it just depends on where someone may live. Some ways to try and save gas is to walk more if the places someone is trying to go aren’t that far. Or maybe if someone is going on a big trip to have people share a car instead of taking multiple cars. Overall, gas prices need to start lowering to allow people to not spend so much money on gas, which develops a problem in the country and needs to get maintained and corrected. 

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