Tattoos in the Workplace


Staff Writer

Opinions are at the forefront of America’s laws, constitutional rights, and overall societal standards that are put into place, however opinions can also contribute to America’s inequality, unfairness, and discrimination that are also put into laws, societal standards, etc… To determine or expose that this unlawfulness of discrimination is occurring is to also be determined by opinions. It is a never-ending loop of opinions being cast and thrown, so when the discussion of tattoos in the workplace is brought up: the world seems to split into two. One side of the coin claims that tattoos are unprofessional and give off a negative connotation to not only the employer but also their clients; therefore, tattoos should not be shown in the workplace. While I, on the other side of that coin, claim that tattoos are not only a form of healthy self-expression but an act of bravery by constantly displaying their true character to those around them; therefore, tattoos are professional enough to be displayed in the workplace. However, the debate on the appropriateness of tattoos in a place of work is ongoing and does not seem to be coming to an end, at present the debate is at a stalemate.

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