El Diamante and School Spirit


Staff Writer

El Diamante High School is known for its sports, visual, and performing arts, and its academies such as STRONG and Media Arts. With all this being said you’d expect there to be some school spirit, however that is one of the many things the school is lacking. 

Why the lack of school spirit? The huge lack of school spirit can be traced back to the lack of interest in the school and the school policies that dampen the school attitude. Kids don’t care about school. Most kids don’t really care about grades and due to Covid don’t really have the attention span to sit down and take in everything being taught. Along with this, the campus has become very dangerous with its constant fights and harassment. With all of these factors, it’s hard to even get students to go to school which explains why school spirit isn’t really shown. Along with this, the school policies are making things even worse. The new phone policy has made some people not want to go to class and even act out which only causes problems in class. The bathroom policy is also causing people to not come to school. This policy specifically affects women. As a woman, when you’re on your period you don’t want to have to wait 10 minutes before and after class. We as students are also told to use the bathroom in between class periods, however, this is not possible. It takes at least 3 minutes to get to most classes and lines for the bathroom are long. The bathroom policy is less annoying and more humiliating. It is humiliating to carry that giant bathroom pass that is constantly breaking. Even more humiliating is being yelled at by people on carts for doing a basic human act. The cart people are constantly yelling at students and in general creating a hostile atmosphere. With all of this, it seems as though administrators don’t really care about what is best for the students and their educational futures. With the little care given it seems to students as there is no point in school spirit, so why participate.

How do you fix this? Start thinking about giving students decent human rights. The best way to get students involved is by showing that the school understands and is trying. Getting rid of some of the school policies will help by getting students to want to go to school. Make things like dances and activities more accessible for students. There are multiple ways to get students involved in school spirit, but first, we must fix the aggressive atmosphere and get kids to want to go to school.

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