News on the Invasion in Ukraine


Staff Writer

During the last few months of the invasion, there has not been much happening in Ukraine but the deaths are rising and have hit 23 thousand, and an estimated 2 thousand and counting injury count. The Ukraine government is doing very well on the front lines and they are not willing to give up any land willingly without a fight. The Ukrainian government has displaced over 10 million dollars (USD) in the war. There have been over 500 billion dollars worth of property damage done to Ukraine and over 2000 buildings were destroyed. During this war, many Ukrainian citizens have run to other countries as refugees and the largest number of refugees have run to Poland to escape the war. Many of the prisoners of war are traded for other prisoners with no problem and all prisoners of war were traded back and there may be more but they will most likely be traded for more prisoners from the other side so that they can keep an even trade of prisoners to return to each other because it is a battle of attrition for both countries now. Russia is unable to push through Ukraine’s frontlines and take more of the country even with bombing runs on random buildings and failed to secure air superiority, and that is one of the main reasons they fail to invade is because they cannot get air superiority. Russia is failing to push through on the ground because not only are they fighting off just the Ukraine forces but they are fighting off armed civilians and mercenaries from other countries all of which may be difficult to predict and fight against for the Russian government.

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