What is Ramadan?

Staff Writer

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is a time to gather and observe the ninth month of an Islamic calendar year by abstaining from indulgence and praying to become closer to God. The month is sacred as it marks down when Allah (SWT) gave the first chapters of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad. Whether you are Muslim or non-Muslim, there are many ways someone can participate in Ramadan festivities. 

What is Suhoor? 

Suhoor is the meal before sunrise (before fasting begins). This meal is very important! Those that fast need to make sure they have food that will give them enough energy from sunrise to sunset. 

Why fast? 

By praying and doing things like reading the Quran, we bring knowledge into our minds and remembrance into our hearts. Ramadan is a month of bringing our relationship close to God and giving back, in small ways such as charity, donating to the local mosque, and many more. 

Who can Fast?

Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, which means we are all required to fast, but there are exceptions such as: 

  • People with health problems
  • Women who are nursing
  • Pregnant women
  • Menstruating women
  • The elderly and children

What is Iftar?

Iftar takes place when the sun sets. Typically, you open up your fast with something small, then pray the Maghreb, and then continue eating larger meals after a long fast. 

Ramadan to all of you! May your month be filled with clarity! 

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