The Pros and Cons of Technology in Medicine 


Staff Writer 

Technology has had many major advancements over the past couple of decades; it has helped humanity in many ways, one of those being medicine. New technology is not only helping us diagnose but treat life-threatening diseases like never seen before. A study published in CHEST Journal shows “patients in an intensive care unit equipped with telehealth services were discharged from the ICU 20 percent more quickly and saw a 26 percent lower mortality rate than patients in a regular ICU.”  Telehealth is the distribution of health-related services using electronic information and telecommunication technologies. It’s very useful to connect doctors to patients. It allows long-distance patient and clinician contact, care, advice, reminders, education, intervention, monitoring, and remote admissions. With new advancements like telehealth and the many other ways technology can help, it has definitely benefited humanity and made life better for human beings. Though the intent of technology might have been good at first it is now taking jobs away from hardworking people. Imagine growing up working hard through school going to college speeding lots of money only to lose a job to a box of wire. Computers have already taken over 90% of jobs that used to be done by people just like you and me. People are just trying to make an honest living, raise a family and live a content life only to be out of a job with their dreams crushed because advancements in technology have made their position obsolete.

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