Title Senior Events


Staff Writer    

As the school year comes to an end there are still plenty of events we seniors can’t miss out on. Some of those events include the El Diamante Dance show, Prom, Grad Night at Magic Mountain, Senior Sunset, and Graduation. The year flew by, just like everyone said it would, and now we have about forty-five more days until we walk out of high school forever. Back when I was a freshman I used to think that this day was so far away but now we are already going into spring break and when we come back the weeks will definitely go by so quick. These are also our final days to knock those assignments out because we aren’t going to get much more time to turn them in late. I also really hope that the seniors go to the prom the school is putting together because when you think about it the past two years the seniors would have done anything to have a real prom, so if half of the seniors participate it’s going to be really disappointing because we’re getting opportunities to make the most of our senior year that some people never had.

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