How To Cope With Loss


Staff Writer

The essence of life is extremely beautiful and wondrous. Within our nature lies our memories passed down to us by the ones we hold close. Our loved ones pave our path and provide support when we are in need. We, as humans, continue to build our morals and beliefs guided by the reflection of the ones who came before us. A lot of things we accomplish wouldn’t have been possible if a special chain of support didn’t play a part in our success. Success without recognition is painful, but our loved ones provide the love and acknowledgment we desire. The main characteristic of the family is the idea of being close. When you’re close to somebody, detaching yourself from their lives is an unthinkable trait. This simple fact makes the process of coping with the loss of a loved one extremely difficult. Dealing with the bearings of death always revolves around a negative thought process. What we need to do to stay strong, is mentally attach to the more positive aspects of the life lived by the deceased. If we occupied our thoughts with the accomplishments that specific person had or even the memories we shared with that person; we would instantly come to terms with an agreement in our minds that would allow us to better accept the reality of the situation. If the positivity of the situation flowed throughout our minds, the process of overcoming grief and choosing acceptance will come into play a lot easier. 

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