By Anonymous 

Staff Writer

DISCLAIMER: This is my opinion and feel free to disagree, music is subjective :).

Before you read this article just know that disclaimer if you are a Radiohead fan you will not like this article, which is no one because Radiohead has zero fans. Anyway here we go, Radiohead is trash, and here are my reasons why. First off they are from the UK, the United Kingdom is not bad but knowing Radiohead from there makes me wanna cry myself to sleep. Radiohead does not have a single good album and their only decent album is OK Computer which is still not even that good. Radiohead is the worst band ever and they make boring music with lazy beats and that is so awful that even South Park mocked them. Now, this article may seem like I’m just slandering Radiohead into the ground which yes, you are correct, but let’s take a moment to see the good things about Radiohead, They make good meme fonts, they have that one good song called No Surprises, and that is it. Their music is on the same level as country music when it comes to being boring. Don’t even get me started on the Radiohead fans, literally every Radiohead fan thinks they have like multiple 10/10s. I honestly can’t even believe some of these people exist to the point where they like the music Radiohead puts out. A lot of Radiohead’s music is very depressing in a boring way, I don’t see myself being in a Happy or Good mood and turning on my Spotify just to listen to Radiohead. I could listen to actual good bands instead like System of a Down, Death Grips, or Nirvana (overrated but still good band). Radiohead fans are so self-entitled. I have never met one in my entire life and I hope it stays that way.

Now I am done with all the Radiohead slander, I hope everyone has a good day :).

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