Baby Kidnapped From Home


Staff Writer 

A young 3-month-old baby boy named Brandon Ceullar was kidnapped on Monday, April 26th, 2022 in San Jose, California. The baby was located in his grandmother’s apartment around 1 pm when the baby was taken. The grandmother was responsible for the care of her grandchild when she was outside getting groceries from her car. A man decided to go inside the bedroom of the grandmother’s apartment and take the baby. The parents weren’t there because the father was incarcerated and the mother was working. Fortunately, they were able to capture video surveillance from the apartment complex. It was a Mexican male that had the baby in the car seat holding it while walking on the sidewalk. The mother and grandmother announced they’d never seen that man before, which was very suspicious and disappointing. Eventually, the baby was discovered by a worker of an adult facility when she spotted an unaccepted van parked in her area of the workspace. So she decided to check inside the van and spotted a baby car seat. Therefore, she called 911 and multiple police cars arrived. The police started searching the area and were able to find a suspect holding Brandon, the baby. As soon as they were able to get the baby to the mother and grandmother they took the baby to the hospital to make sure there were no injuries, which was successful. As they were searching they discovered two other suspects in the same area. There isn’t full detail of where they found the two other suspects, however, they do have all three in custody. They haven’t been escorted to court yet or announced who specifically. Due to this, there is going to be more investigation to occur to understand and evaluate the whole situation. Hopefully, there will be some type of punishment for who truly kidnapped the poor child. 

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