The VUSD Prom & Senior Events

By Samantha Butterfield

Staff Writer

Over the past weekend, Prom was held at the Visalia Convention Center. The theme of the prom was “The Enchanted Forest”. The prom was set up by the associated student body from El Diamante, Golden West, Mt. Whitney, and Redwood. It was an amazing event with over 2,000 people attending. It was a great night and thank you to everyone who attended and helped clean and or set up this event. How fun for the seniors that are leaving to have a normal prom! Also, so many exciting things are upcoming for the seniors. Other events coming up include Scholarship Night, Miner Expo, Grad Night, Senior Barbeque, Senior Sunset, and finally Graduation! It has been such a fun year and we are so glad the class of 2022 has gotten to experience their senior year the way every senior should. 

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