The Pros and Cons of Minga (Opinion Piece) 


Staff Writer

The staff of the VUSD district is trying something new by implementing the use of an app called Minga. This app is everything you could need during your school day. It has your student ID, you create hall passes on it, and there’s a way for classes to send out reminders for certain events or assignments. This all seems too good to be true, and for some people, that’s exactly what it is.

There are obvious benefits to using this system. Everything is at the tip of your fingers meaning it’s almost impossible to lose your ID or a hall pass. It puts everything in one place and it’s pretty straightforward to use.

Along with the benefits, students are also noticing a few issues with this app. Our school, El Diamante, has always had bad service for cell phones. This was never really a problem because we weren’t supposed to have our phones out in class anyways. But now that we depend on our mobile devices to be able to use the restroom or to go off campus, it’s very difficult to do so when the app won’t load in the first place. There have also been complaints about not having a physical ID. A lot of seniors, like myself, were hoping to have one that we can keep forever to look back on our senior year, and now that it’s all on our phones, that option has been stripped from us.

Overall, this new system may seem like a good idea on paper, but there are too many issues and I believe that we should have just stuck with what we used to do. It worked well and I don’t see why we needed to change it in the first place.

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