Interact Club 


Staff Writer 

At El Diamante High School we are spoiled to have so many fun and creative clubs on campus but one club that really grabs my attention is the Interact Club. If you missed Club Rush or didn’t get a chance to check them all out, I’m here to give you the dig on the Interact Club. If you have or want to improve leadership skills, and your citizenship, and be part of an organization that provides a service of helping your community then the Interact Club just may be what you’re missing. The reason we are given the opportunity to be part of Interact is because of Rotary Clubs. Rotary is where adult members from all over help their community, no club is similar as each community has different needs, but the goals for all the Rotary Clubs remain the same which is to provide a service for helping others in an understanding peaceful way. Rotary is the sponsor for the Interact Club which has the same aspirations and just targets youth members. If you are interested, next time you walk around campus take a look at the poster boards and you’ll see the Interact Club flyers for more information to join. 

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