The New Club On Campus: Book Club

Staff Writer

Clubs are a big part of our school, so let’s talk about a new one that was just started this year. 

Book Club was created by four students here at El Diamante. There is Emily Ruby as the president, Paige Martinez as vice president, Zuri Romo as treasurer, and Kelise Curtis as their social media coordinator. Our English teacher, Mrs. Perez, is also the club advisor and has been helping with this newly made club. 

Their plan for the club is to have everyone reading different books, with book recommendations if anyone gets stuck. In order to have something to discuss, the club will have a common theme or topic for each of the individual’s chosen books.

Each month there will be a new theme and this will allow members to learn about each other’s books and how each of them revolves around or includes a similar central idea. 

The Book Club is also interested in fundraising to raise enough money so that they can put a small free library outside of the school. This would then allow everyone in the area to have access to these books and have the ability to read them. 

Not only is this club educational, but it also allows readers to talk to other people who love to read and who are just as passionate about it. The club also provides people with something to do in their free time and brings people together, not just in our school. 

 I highly recommend joining this club and giving it a shot, even if you don’t like reading because who knows, you might learn to love it.

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