Bluey Clouded


Staff Writer 

Unknown girl will be the name on her plaque because each persona that this girl inhabits changes with the seasons. As the leaves fall from the trees her thoughts of the conclusion of her story will fall faster. As October comes she waits in anticipation to see herself become a different person. Then it’s November again, not for her, time keeps going and it’s never her. She is not anyone at all and all the achievements that are made are nothing more than lines on an unwritten paper. She understands this, no steady person living there, no constant, no comfortable place to rest. As time goes on so should she, so should she let her time pass. Unknown girl is her, when there are no more thoughts flowing, following her on her plaque. With no one to experience what it was supposed to be, to live as one girl’s life. So as she goes on about her day she’ll have the same song on repeat that she is here for nothing more than sound in the wind. 

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