Taking a Walk 


Staff Writer

 So I went for this little walk by myself, like without my phone or anything. So as I went for this walk, it was kinda weird for me, not gonna lie because I didn’t have my phone to look who texted me or if someone called me or to see what time it was, but as I was walking it had me thinking about lots of things and made realize things that I hadn’t really fully realized or I didn’t want to realize it. Honestly, I don’t like doing walks like these because I get into my head and once I get into my head I start thinking about a bunch of different things. Sometimes I overthink some stuff but then it’s good for me to get in my head so I can look at those thoughts and then just put them in the past because I don’t need to worry about that anymore like there’s no point. As I was walking it actually felt good walking by myself, no phone, no nothing, just me and myself. The walk relaxed me as if I was never relaxed before and to be honest, I wanted to do this more often but knowing me I don’t think I would but yet again I might. The walk helped me to really think about myself, my family, and other personal things that I didn’t really think I would even really think of because there are some things that I don’t really like to think about again, but as I was walking everything just hit me at once even a little bit of the past also that I forgot about or I didn’t think I would remember. This is why I don’t really like getting into my head because the things that go in my head or whatever pops in my head but not everything is bad on what pops in my head but I know I start thinking about and I start stressing myself out but then I’m like wait, I don’t really have to stress about that, by just realizing I get to figure things out about myself that I didn’t really know like for example, I know how to relax, how I am personally. To be honest, I don’t know where I’m trying to get at but this walk has helped me to relax and to really think things through that I haven’t thought through where I should have but I haven’t and now I have so my choice is that I’m going to do this often because it actually felt good doing this because I have never done this before and knowing me I would have never done that.

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