Staff Writer
Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been consistently seeing extremely high temperatures. Long-term exposure to these high temperatures can actually be very harmful—even fatal at times. Down below are some ways to help you stay cool throughout the day:
- Cool your pressure points
Placing a cold wet towel or even ice on pressure points such as your wrists, neck, and temples can provide instant relief.
- Wear white or light-colored clothing
If you didn’t know, darker colors absorb much more heat than lighter colors. In turn, this absorbed heat makes you feel much hotter. So you may want to opt for those white shirts that have been sitting in your closet.
- Eat spicy foods
A chemical called Capsaicin is found in many spicy foods, such as peppers. Capsaicin can trigger heat receptors in the body, causing it to sweat more. This increase in sweating can help cool you off. Just don’t go overboard with this one.
- Eat smaller but more frequent meals
Heavy meals require a lot of energy in order to digest. This usage of energy can in turn increase your overall body temperature and even cause water loss. Eating smaller meals allows your body to get its needed energy but stay cooler in the process.
Most importantly, don’t forget to stay hydrated and wear your sunscreen!