Whiplash Movie Review


Staff Writer

Whiplash is a 2014 psychological drama film that stars Miles Teller and J.K Simmons in the most heart-pounding hilarious but serious movie I have ever seen. Miles Teller plays a character known as “Andrew” that after being accepted into Terence Fletchers (played by J.K Simmons also well known for the spiderman movies) higher-up band class. Little does Andrew know that this is the most strict and mind-killing class due to the seriousness and strictness of the instructor. This movie follows Andrew as he is pushed to his limits being forced to play the drums PERFECTLY by his instructor in the songs the band is practicing, which those songs are “Whiplash” and “Caravan”. J.K Simmons really outdid himself in this movie, really captivating that absolutely terrifying vibe he gives off, and the anger and the emotion in this movie are absolutely top tier and I don’t think I have seen a movie capture this much emotion. A lot of the good parts of this movie deal with the anger J.K Simmons gives off as his character like literally throwing a chair at Andrew because he was not playing the tempo the perfect way he wanted him to play. This movie is absolutely outstanding and I 100% recommend anyway to watch this film because every second of it is this cruel twisting capture of emotion that will leave the viewer literally open mouth (especially towards the end) and just the dedication of Andrew to become the perfect player for Fletcher is what also makes this movie such a good experience. There is so much I can try to say about this movie but that would spoil most of it. This has got to be one of the best movies I have ever seen in my life and It is really hard to captivate how great this movie really is.

Overall I would give this film a 10/10. Absolutely perfect.

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