Ways to help the Planet :)


Staff Writer

There are many simple things that you can do in your everyday life to help our environment and make our planet a better place. 

  1. Reusable Items

Things such as reusable shopping bags can help our environment so much. Instead of using and wasting plastic bags over and over, invest in a reusable shopping bag or tote. 

  1. Conserve Water

Many people don’t realize how much water they waste every day. Try to be aware when you have left a faucet running, when you are brushing your teeth turn the water off until you need it, don’t just leave it running the whole time. Also don’t leave your shower running for 10 minutes because you are waiting for it to “warm up”. 

  1. Recycle

Recycling is a great way to not take up landfill space and conserve natural resources. Just get a small bin in your house and you can recycle any plastic, glass, or aluminum and when you have enough you can find somewhere near you where you can turn in your recyclables and get money for it. 

  1. Carpool & Ride Your Bike

Carpooling is also a great way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, or just ride your bike. Riding your bike will also save you money on gas and get you some exercise. 

  1. Volunteer

One last thing that you can do to help out is to volunteer when you can in your community. Local organizations usually have opportunities for you to help out. These can include cleaning parks, restoring habitats, and trying to find other ways to make the world a little greener. 

So try to do at least one thing today that will help our planet in some way and make the world a better place to live. 🙂

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