

Staff Writer

The El Diamante homecoming football game took place on Friday, September 16. This year’s court consisted of 5 men and 5 women, with one from each group getting crowned. The top five candidates for queen were Jaden Beno, Olivia Beno, Madison Garcia, Caroline Johnson, and Karissa Ortiz. The top five candidates for the king were Josiah Aldaco, Daniel Coronado, Maxwell Martin, Nikkolai Soriano, and Edgar Trujillo. Before the game started, each member of the court was introduced by name, and a few facts about them were shared. The announcement of who won was made during halftime and was done so by each group opening a gift. Whoever won had an item different from the rest of the group. This year’s queen is Karissa Ortiz, and the king is Edgar Trujillo. The whole court had an amazing time and was very happy for their winning members. Congratulations Karissa and Edgar!

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