Absences Shouldn’t Matter (Opinion Piece)


Staff Writer

As a senior in high school, if I do not get a 94% attendance rate for this year, I will not be allowed to walk at graduation. This has been a rule at my school for many years, but I simply do not agree with it. 

Last year, the class of 2022 got off easy. They completely got rid of this rule because of covid. I personally don’t agree with that, but I think that 94% is definitely too high. There are a lot of factors that can cause someone to not be able to attend school, or that make them frequently late. I think that an acceptable percentage would be from 70%-80%. I understand that they’re trying to prepare us for when we have a job, but I don’t think that this is the right way to do it. If a kid is learning the material and keeping a high grade in all of their classes, I don’t see why they should be prevented from walking at graduation just because they missed more days of school than most people. They’re doing the work and putting in the effort to pass, even if they can’t be there.

Overall, I think that this rule should be altered to be more mindful of students who struggle more, either with motivation to get up or with finding a way to get to school in the first place.

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