Yellow Ribbon Week


Staff Writer

Next week is suicide awareness and yellow ribbon week. At El Diamante, we will be wearing yellow next week in support of awareness on the subject. Suicide is one of the top 3 leading causes of death in teenagers, and it is very important that everyone is aware of it. The mental health of our students and all people outside of the said group is just as important as their physical health. It is something that needs to be taken care of and taken very seriously. With awareness, comes prevention. Whether we do things on a global scale or just within our community, it is important to do everything possible to bring awareness to and prevent people from taking their lives. No matter how big or small the act of prevention taken is, life is a life, and saving a single one could mean the world to many people. The word suicide is not a bad one. Use it, talk about it, and educate people on it. 

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