Raiders of the Lost Ark Movie Review

Staff Writer

Raiders of the Lost Ark, released in 1981, was known for the creation of the Indiana Jones character. This movie is really iconic and was ahead of its time and really had some iconic scenes in film history. Raiders of the Lost Ark is very action-packed with it being such a detailed action western movie taking place in so many different places and environments. From the freezing cold temperatures in Nepal to racing in the desert, this movie has a lot going into it. Now unlike some of the other movies I have reviewed, this one did not really stand out to me as much and it is kind of weak when outside talking about the iconic scenes in the movie. There are some good highlights in this movie like the action scenes but then some flaws in this movie like the whole plot of trying to find this gold before the bad guys do. I felt like this movie was a bit dragged out and it felt like as soon as you thought it was gonna end it didn’t and then ran on for another 10 minutes.

Overall, I would give this movie an 8/10, it’s good but not too good but I will give it credit for the iconic scenes that the movie gives the viewers.

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