P.E. And Its Benefits


Staff Writer 

Not many people like exercising and participating in P.E. But did you know that it’s actually really good for you? Exercising increases your health and your sense of well-being. Kinda helps you put some pep in your step every day. You wouldn’t think that working out does this, but it does. It helps pump your body with endorphins, which are our body’s natural painkiller, and creates a feeling of well-being. Along with exercising, eating well goes along with it as well. If you’re eating well and giving your body healthy food, it feels better. If you sit around all day and eat junk, you’ll probably feel bad. Exercising and eating well can improve your quality of life. It releases endorphins, releases stress, and it also helps with tension, anxiety, anger, and anything else that goes hand-in-hand with stress. Exercise has been proven to help the quality of your sleep too. Have you ever really participated in P.E. at school and felt good after? 

While you might not want to exercise at first because it’s hard, with repetition and creating a routine your body will get used to this activity. When you’re exercising, you are also improving your blood flow and oxygen use. Both of these things have a direct effect on your brain as well, causing better brain activity. Which releases stress. Think of exercises like meditation and others that really focus on the movements. Don’t focus on your body, focus on your mind and how it makes you feel. You can experience similar feelings to meditation if you really put your mind to it. 

Sometimes these feelings won’t come right after the first time you work out. They become cumulative over time. Start a routine with working out. Start small and work up from there. When you’re in P.E. do what you can and don’t hurt yourself. Slowly move up, don’t focus on how many you can do, but on your form and focus on your mind. Release the stress and focus on making yourself feel better. Even with reducing stress, you are strengthening your body and improving blood circulation as well as boosting your energy. P.E. has more benefits than you might think.

In conclusion, exercising and P.E. has many more benefits than you might think. Give it a chance, don’t just brush it off. Our teachers know that what they are having us do is helping us improve. They aren’t there to punish us by running or working out. Try working out by yourself some time, see how it makes you feel.

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